Chambers and associations partnership (KVP)

The program to promote development partnerships between German business institutions is a proven instrument of German development cooperation to support sustainable economic development. With the "Partners in Transformation" brand of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the BMZ emphasizes the partnership between business and development for the common goal of socio-ecological change in its partner countries. 

The chambers, associations and financial institutions of the Sparkassen Finance Group contribute to sustainable development as part of global networks. They provide support in introducing or raising environmental and social standards, in vocational and further training and in advisory and educational measures for financial inclusion. Financial sector institutions in the countries of the Global South benefit because they can offer their members expanded networks, better advice and new market access, from which the local population can ultimately also benefit.

KVP project cycle

KVP's key strength lies in the transfer and alignment of approaches that have proved their worth in practice in Germany. Projects that promote partnerships with German business for key development purposes are not bound by any bilateral agreements that may exist. German Sparkassenstiftung not only spearheads specialist steering on BMZ's behalf but also oversees quality assurance.

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Simrockstraße 4, 53113 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 9703-0
Fax: +49 228 9703-6613 or -6630

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