Social sustainability

Social sustainability aims at a decent life, i.e. the distribution of social burdens, the distribution of roles, the distribution of work, the fight against unemployment and equal opportunities. Basic and advanced training is an integral part of most of German Sparkassenstiftung's projects. In a globalized world, well-educated people have a better chance of developing freely. Appropriate training is an important component of economically successful operations. The diversity of German Sparkassenstiftung's project work is illustrated by the different project approaches worldwide.

1. MSME finance

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are important means for employment and make a decisive contribution to the sustainable economic development of a country. Job creation through MSME financing often directly benefits marginalized social groups, reducing poverty, increasing income, and having a positive impact on investment in education and health. Access to needs-based financial services is the basis for their success. German Sparkassenstiftung draws on the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe's wealth of experience to support banks and microfinance institutions in the introduction and further development of their lending business, from product design to staff training.

Project Example: Regional project in Southern Africa - strengthening small-scale entrepreneurship for social and ecological change

In the project countries Malawi, Zambia and Namibia, there are considerable income disparities and poverty is a key problem in some regions. Small, micro and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face major challenges: Their access to financial services is restricted, often due to a lack of commercial knowledge and limited management skills. As a result, their contribution to economic growth and employment falls short of their potential. The regional project strengthens the role of small agricultural and non-agricultural enterprises as a driver of economic development and employment. Entrepreneurs receive targeted training to improve their commercial and entrepreneurial skills, while access to financial services is facilitated.

2. Training and capacity development

Training and capacity development are integral components of all German Sparkassenstiftung's projects. Well-educated people have better prospects in a globalized world. Our mission and passion are to have a lasting positive impact on the existing level of education. To this end, we combine successful concepts with existing local educational structures. Examples include the introduction of dual vocational training, the establishment of training academies, training of trainers for the German Sparkassenstiftung’s own Business Games and the organization and implementation of seminars.

Project example: Peru - Introduction of dual vocational training

Together with the Peruvian Savings Banks Association (FEPCMAC) and its member savings banks, German Sparkassenstiftung has launched a dual training program for bank clerks. In addition to practical experience in the respective savings banks, theory is taught in block seminars at the vocational academy. The two-year vocational training program is strongly based on the German model. Compared to the traditional training modalities in Peru, this vocational training program also offers a monthly financial scholarship which enables trainees to meet their training costs and private obligations.

3. Inclusive project work

The idea of saving and financial inclusion has been anchored in the mission and name of the "Sparkasse" for over 200 years. As German Sparkassenstiftung, we continuously integrate minority groups by conducting target group-oriented financial training and developing needs-oriented savings products in cooperation with our local partner institutions. In doing so, we include not only people with disabilities but also their socio-cultural background and economic status into our training program. For instance, we offer training on the economic integration of displaced persons or facilitate access to financial services for disadvantaged women in rural areas. 

Project example: Central Asia "Women in Business                                                      

The "Women in Business" program in Central Asia focuses on the needs of female target groups and helps to facilitate sustainable access to financial products and services by addressing small, medium sized entrepreneurs through a gender-specific and customized approach to work. German Sparkassenstiftung is part of the transformation towards more inclusive and competitive banking markets by improving women entrepreneurs' access to finance, know-how and non-financial services for business development.

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Simrockstraße 4, 53113 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 9703-0
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