Sustainable tools for financial institutions

Tools and trainings with financial institutions

Besides local community trainings, German Sparkassenstiftung also provides continuing training and tools to help local financial institutions increase their professionalism. In many project countries, the impacts of climate change are already clearly noticeable, for example through failed harvests and extreme weather events that put a strain on agricultural businesses and their supply chains. Uncertainty about future climate-related risks poses major challenges for many financial institutions. Financial institutions can therefore use these tools in their projects and successfully overcome the challenges.

Sustainable Finance Compass

The Sustainable Finance Compass of German Sparkassenstiftung supports financial institutions in both the strategy and implementation of sustainable finance.

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ESG Risk Radar

The ESG Risk Radar of German Sparkassenstiftung helps financial institutions to identify sector-specific or sectoral climate risks to future-proof their risk management strategies and to follow the pragmatic and comprehensive approach of knowledge-based assessment.

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MFI Management Game

MFI Management Game of German Sparkassenstiftung is a highly interactive training for senior and middle managers as well as for high potentials who want to understand how the performance of a Microfinance Institution (MFI) can be improved by best management practices.

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Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Simrockstraße 4, 53113 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 9703-0
Fax: +49 228 9703-6613 or -6630

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