Using an educational radio drama during the pandemic.
In the wake of the Covid pandemic and weeks of in-person training cancellations, the team in Mozambique faced the challenge of reaching savings groups in mostly remote communities with financial literacy messages despite limited contacts and a lack of digital infrastructure. The solution was an educational radio play with core messages on finance and entrepreneurship, translated into local languages and broadcast on local radio stations with the help of partners. In total, it reached an estimated 230,000 listeners. Later, the radio play was supplemented by discussion sessions in which the savings groups discussed what they had heard and deepened their entrepreneurial knowledge under the guidance of the multipliers.
All's well that ends well
The project in Mozambique may have come to an end, but Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung's footprint remains: The needs-based financial literacy training formats will continue to be used by local partners to make a further contribution to financial inclusion in rural Mozambique.