In the run-up to the signing of a new project agreement, a Nepalese delegation visited the headquarters of the German Sparkassenstiftung in Bonn.
The new project partner, the Nepal Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperative Unions Ltd. (NEFSCUN), is committed to the development, promotion and strengthening of its member organizations. These members are local savings and credit cooperatives as well as credit unions.
NEFSCUN supports them in improving the financial, social and cultural living conditions of the individual cooperative members. With competitive products and services, NEFSCUN currently reaches 76 districts in Nepal. In this way, NEFSCUN helps to ensure that poor sections of the population have better access to formal financial services. Thus, 3.7 million people could be indirectly financially included.
Every year, NEFSCUN trains more than 20,000 managers and employees of its members in the use of professional management tools. NEFSCUN was identified as a promising partner organization in 2023 as part of a successful DSIK Fact Finding Mission in Nepal. A project agreement will be signed in Kathmandu in April 2024. The measures will be embedded in the BMZ regional project "Transformation to a sustainable, resilient agricultural system and to a social-ecological financial system" (currently still in Vietnam, Laos and Bhutan).